Stepping Out From the Shattered Place

The Lord has had me on an incredible journey. I finally feel like I am stepping out from the shattered place into Gods healing hands.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Things That Make You Go Humm

Over the past month or so there have been several things that have made me go hummm.

I went to a church that due to it's distance I was dead set against trying. After about the 100th time the church came up in conversation I decided that this might be Gods leading and I should go before he is forced to take out the old 2x4 to get me to listen. The church is rather large and I admit I was intimidated at first.

During my time with this church I have heard or met 3 sets of missionaries. One couple is heading to Rowanda this week. I listen to the wife talk about how her husband had the desire and heart to go but she was dead set against it. She talked about prayer for her and by her. She talked about why she did not want to go. I completly understood her point of view because it so closely matched my own. I am not exactly anti missions but I am anti me in the sort of missions work I have heard about to this point in my life. I admit that I really don't get it. Most missions work I hear about have been short term lets make the wealthy adult/teen feel like they have done something good sort of projects. Planning of Sunday school projects when the the kids in that class don't have basic needs. I listened to how God had changed this women's heart and how she is now excited and feels the call. She spoke to the needs of the women there and how she is excited to minister to them. She also spoke about how her husband will be some sort of director and will be living in a nice house. This did not change my view on modern missions work but it did make me go hummm.

There is a family in my bible study class who is preparing for missions work in Nigeria. They at this point are planning on a 5 year commitment. The Husband is a doctor and he will be putting that to good use where they are going. I listened and talked with her about what the family has been going through in preperation for this. I listened to what the goals are and they are so in line with what I think missions should be. Just as the class started I wrote down my email address and wrote that I would be happy to pray for them. I received my first email from them thanking me and looking forward to getting to know me. They included the most recent update they had sent out. The family is heading south for about a month for culture training.

The last was having lunch with Tbird. He is a missionary on a college campus in South Africa. I listen to Tbird talk and I also listen to his parents talk. He basicly does on the campus what I do with the youth. He also drives the students to and from church and leads small groups. His goal is spread the word of God. He is there to listen and minister too these students. His passion for what he is doing just flows out of him. He is commited to this for the rest of his life. This is the next generation of goverenment South Africa there is so much corruption in the governement at this point that the only hope is the future. If that future has God fearing men who put the needs of the people before themselves then their is hope. Hope through Gods use of these men and women. I also felt compelled to give Tbird my email address and offered to pray. He has one big prayer request right now. He is in need of a vehicel. He has his eye on one but needs about 11thou more. If is fuel effiecent and seats 7 which would make the many trips back and forth to church small groups ect with the students much easier. The ability to get the students to church right now just isn't there when he returns.

Also from the class came a discussion about whether the prayers of non-believers can be heard by God. The teacher had heard a news report where a fundamentalist answered this with a resounding NO. The whole group agured the same point against the answer no. To bad the person who made the comment wasn't there to hear us. This was a humm moment because the group shared my theology our arguments where based in the bible and in the fact that Gods grace is there for all. If someone prays to God there is a belief or why would they pray. That moment that brought this person to the point of prayer is something that God will use to draw them to him. The choice is the persons but God desires all of us to accept him. If God had ignored me until I accepted him would I have accepted him? I don't think I would have. It was seeing God in my life even at that young age that brought me to him. I saw him through answered prayer.

Last but not least. The sermon that made me go hummm
If the project or work that you are doing is significant in God and the enemy can't stop the project or work then he goes for the leadership (see Nehemiah 6)
As the wall neared completion Nehemiah was called away he refused. When we are at our height that is when the enemy attacks. How much more height then the complition of the wall? That is when the enemy's of Nehemiah wanted to talk. Nehemiah worked and prayed.

Self-worth If your self-worth is in God you will come out ok but that is one of the first places the enemy will attack. In Nehemiah's case they tried to put words in his mouth and to frighten him into coming so the work would stop and God's will would not be done. Nehemiah prayed and continued his work. Self-worth is attacked by intrigue intimidation and innuendo.

Security If your security is in God you need not fear
But to stop the work of significance the enemy will attack your security. In Nehemiah case they sent word of a death threat and tempted him to go into the holy place that only the priest where allowed to go for safty. Humm one guy who did that was struck with Leprosy, bad idea I think. Nehemiah continued his work and prayed.

The wall was completed in 52 days. The enemys realized God was behind them and where afraid. Think about how Christ was tempted in the desert. What grounds did the enemy cover. The same ones here. I have seen it done to me and I have seen it done to others. Satan hasn't come up with anything in over 2000 years!

The sermon really made me go hummm why because these are areas we are all vulnerable and need to strengthen our faith. Moments of attack can weaken the strongest of us and we all need to be on alert to know the attack and pray instead of respond. I know that I have not always seen it coming. I know that my faith has been rocked by such things. I know I have not turned to God as fast as I should all the time. I know that I need to work on having a stronger faith so when the attack comes I am prepared to handle it through faith in God.

The second reason this has made me go hummm is this church is raising money for a rather large expansion. I have not heard any sermons on giving or money. I have heard one minute updates and reminders for people to sign up for dinner meetings to hear about the project and after prayerful consideration send in their annonomous pledge. The Goal is close to being met in other words the work of significance is nearing a high. This was a warning to the church to be on the look out and to pray. They are aware that they could be attacked and they want to be prepared and to prepare. hummm


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