Stepping Out From the Shattered Place

The Lord has had me on an incredible journey. I finally feel like I am stepping out from the shattered place into Gods healing hands.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Pet Peeve Rant and a long day

I find myself annoyed this early am by an email that I received yesterday. I often get emails such as this one and try to take it the way they are intended which is encouragement, but often I fail. I end up deleting the emails and feeling insulted or annoyed. I know that I am wrong to feel that way when the intention of the writer is good.

The problem is that the writer doesn't read what is written in the post. Instead the writer sees what the writer wants to see. Not reading what is actually there but what the writer desires to see there often makes the emails inappropriate. Often reading those emails is like adding salt to a wound. I don't mind emails about my posts. I don't mind comments about my post. In fact I encourage them, but before commenting on what someone writes make sure you read what they wrote not what you want to see.

End of rant

Friday I worked a long day. It was quiet in the morning but the end was rather hectic. Before the rush started a man came in his name was Fred and some how while I was talking to him the subject of God came up. He is beginning his journey of faith and I found myself in a witness situation. Not really feeling up to it since my own faith is so shaky right, I was less then pleased. In the end I was glad of the talk because I felt myself giving the answers that I have known to be true and giving them with conviction. I could not have done that if at some core place I did not believe it.

In the end I suggested a church not far from the store and gave him my email address. I wonder if I will hear from him. I wonder if he will stop in at the church down the street. I wonder if God planned that meeting for my benefit or his.


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