Stepping Out From the Shattered Place

The Lord has had me on an incredible journey. I finally feel like I am stepping out from the shattered place into Gods healing hands.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Today at church

I had an interesting experience. This was my 5th or 6th visit to this church and I am starting to feel more at ease and look around without the rose colored glasses. I was early and picked my seat. I sat reading my bulletin and several people walking by made a point of greeting me.

In the church that I was in for the past almost 6 years, everything was very well done. The choir and worship teams are well organized and rehearsed. The slides match the singing and they are tried before hand. Any set or drama is also well organized and well acted. There are no details left tended if there is any way possible to tend them. I know I have been involved enough to have chased down tiny details and get them straight. The services are planed to the minute and constantly looking for new creative ways to get the message across.

It looks and feels professional. I am spoiled by this. I am used to it and expect it. It makes for a very clean joyful noise to the Lord. There are good things about this and not so good things about this.

Today during the worship time at church I saw, not for the first time, what the lack of the type of preparedness I described can lead to. The slides did not match the way the songs where sung. The slides did not change when they should or change to the wrong page. The worship team was not able to lead the congregation because they where unfamiliar with the material themselves. The last song was a real mess. As the mistakes added up the joyful laughter rang through the church from those sitting there and those leading the worship. It was almost impossible to sing along. It was JOYFUL! It was good in a different way.

The service does not really run on a tight time table and it is far more relaxed. I have not seen any drama or anything "different" that would be normal at my old church. The churches are very different in how they do things. Both have plus' and both have minus' In my present state of mind I find worship easy in the relaxed church. I truly is a joyful noise to the Lord from the hearts of those there.

Today was the first in a study on the book of James. It was on face our trials with joy. I was moved by the sermon but more so by the benediction. The pastor asked us to put our arms on the shoulders of those standing next to us and link up together as a congregation. I stood there with my arms stretched out on the shoulders of 2 people I did not know there arms on mine. The pastor said "As you go about your week and are faced with trials remember this feeling, remember the arms around you right now. You are not facing that trial alone we are all here for each other." Then he went on to add "And most important remember this" and he listed seven numbers. There was some whispers wondering what it was. He said "That is the main office number. As you face your trials CALL US. We will be there we will talk to you we will pray with you whatever you need." "Go now and Face our trails together"

The sense of unity and love in the room and the presence of the Lord right there with us was very up lifting. I truly worshiped the Lord today.


Blogger Len said...

awesome, awesome!

10:16 PM  

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