Stepping Out From the Shattered Place

The Lord has had me on an incredible journey. I finally feel like I am stepping out from the shattered place into Gods healing hands.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Lemon ade or a sour lemon

Leading up to the holidays after the Natural disaster we will call Thanksgiving I was talking with friend about the craziness of my family.

She looked at me at one point and said you are saner then you have a right to be how on earth did you grow up and turn out normal. I think I would have been a nut case if I was raised in your family.

I didn't have to think about the answer to that question I knew it. I am who I am and I have been healed the way I have been heal because of God's grace and love for me. I looked her in the eye and answered her. I told her my faith is what saved me. She asked how I could have any faith after what I have been through with them. She said I would be asking myself how can there be a God who would allow all of this to happen to me. She wondered how I can love God.

All of these are very good questions. Questions people who do not know God ask all the time. I was very happy to answer her from my heart and my experiences. I summed up with God can turn the most sour lemon into the best tasting lemon ade. That is what he is doing with my life.

She asked the best question of all she asked if he did it for me how come he doesn't do it for everyone. My answer Because I invited him into my heart and asked him to.

What started out as me moaning about wounds of the past and present turned into a conversation about God's love for us. How cool is that.

I don't often look to see the tiny ways that God uses me. I just try to walk the path strong in my faith and try to live my life as close to Christ as I can. By keeping Christ in the center of my life and actions when the situation arises I answer based on Christ because he is in the center of my heart and what I do. I was a witness for him without having to think about it because that was the truthful answer to her question.

I don't look for these conversations they just sort of happen, sometimes I don't even realize it at the time.

I notice the more centered my life is on Christ the more often the conversations just happen.


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