Stepping Out From the Shattered Place

The Lord has had me on an incredible journey. I finally feel like I am stepping out from the shattered place into Gods healing hands.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Over the past few years, there have been several "New and Best" evangelical tools for reaching non-believers in the spot light. A ton of Hype went into a few movies and a few books. There was the hype over "Passion" and the movie based on C.S. Lewis "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe". Cloud Ten productions hyped up "Left Behind: World at War" by encouraging churches to show the movie so that it could have the largest opening in I don't know ever I guess. I never heard how that worked out but the first two Left Behind movies where just BAD movies and I didn’t hold out much hope for the third being better. The Left Behind books stopped being something worth reading after the 3rd one and I never did bother to read the last one that came out. They became books preaching to me the exact same message over and over and over again. Characters where added just to be "saved" Then killed to drive home the exact same message. To the point where I had enough and after forcing myself to finish the second to last book I did not bother with the last. There are so many more lessons these books could have looked at. They could have been a tool for growth in believers and a springboard for questions fro non-believers but they where not. Instead, they preached to the point of turning off the few non-believers that I loaned my copies.

Frank Peretti does a much better job in his "This Present Darkness" books. Just by creating a story that, my friends want to read. There is a wealth of information about the enemy and about Christ, this information read by non-believing friends prompted some really good conversations, planted seeds that God will water in his time.

This weekend I have watched some movies. It is an, "I don’t feel good stay in bed and try to ignore how I feel kind of weekend." movies are a great way to do that.

I did watch Left Behind: World at War (Only because it was a free rental) it wasn’t as bad as the first two but still not a great movie. I would not bring a friend to see it at my church or anywhere else. It's a bad movie and to pretend that it isn’t would just be silly and make me look like a fool.

I did watch 2 movies that I have not heard any hype about to me spoke far more about Christ’s love and the nature of faith. The first is very old but restored and out on DVD. It is a silent movie starring Mary Pickford. It is called "Tess of Storm Country." Yes, it is a silent film. No, this does not mean it cannot reach today’s people. If anything, you have to watch and think a little more and this can create wonderful dialog. The message is there plain as day. The answers are in the Bible and faith in God and prayer are what sees us through the difficult times. Yes, there are some things that are false, like a baby who dies won't be seen by God unless he is "sprinkled" in the church. Well I know many who believe that, what a great chance to say to someone well I haven’t seen that in the bible let’s look for it. It is not there but in the course of looking the truth about Baptism will be read along with other truths. The movie doesn’t preach it is a story that captivates without any bashing of the bible upside the head or blatant "witness" practices. What is can do is lead to conversation and plant a seed for someone to ask more questions. I don’t know of anyone who was "saved" from the blatant bashing of "Left Behind" I do know several who where turned off by it.

The second my have had hype when it came out and I missed it. My circle has changed dramatically since the release of this movie. The movie is a "A Walk to Remember" I listened to the commentary by the Nick Sparks who wrote the book and he said it was hard to find the balance between being preachy and being true to who he wrote his characters to be. If you ask me, he succeeded. The story is all about faith grace and redemption. Love and living your life as close to Christ is also in there. He did not set out to write a book that would convert millions he wrote a story and what he believes and what the sister he used to base the main character on believes is in this story. The story captivated millions and the message heard without him ever preaching to them. The story touched my heart and it touched the heart of my co-worker who had seen it and brought it up to me long before I had watched the movie. The movie made her think about her faith and we had several talks about faith and God the sprung from things she had seen or heard. One of the most frequently brought up movies was "A Walt to Remember" The movie planted a seed she asked the questions and God will watered that seed by giving her one of his to answer her. She is a step closer to the Lord without having been bashed upside the head.

Let the art stand on it's own we don't need the hype. If it is good art, the message will be heard and God will take care of the watering. We don't need the next biggest and best way to compete with the world or to hype something to the point of ridicules


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