It was time for some changes. I removed all of the links and changed the templates. I think I am going to leave the links off. I really don't want uninvited people to find their way here and with the links to popular sites on the blog where making it show up in searches and people found their way here.
I made this a private blog months ago and that cut the number of visitors way down. I am thinking about changing the location of this blog and sharing the URL with friends and putting up a note saying to email me for the new URL and control who visits the blog that way.
I will have to talk to my cousin, he has a server and I don't think a blog takes up that much space. Maybe I will move the book blog there too. The question is how do I move the stuff that is here. Anyone know how?
I made this a private blog months ago and that cut the number of visitors way down. I am thinking about changing the location of this blog and sharing the URL with friends and putting up a note saying to email me for the new URL and control who visits the blog that way.
I will have to talk to my cousin, he has a server and I don't think a blog takes up that much space. Maybe I will move the book blog there too. The question is how do I move the stuff that is here. Anyone know how?