Stepping Out From the Shattered Place

The Lord has had me on an incredible journey. I finally feel like I am stepping out from the shattered place into Gods healing hands.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

That old familiar feeling

I have that itch deep down inside. That itch that will keep me at my computer writing once I figure out what it is I have the itch to write about.

This is a mixed blessing as far as I am concerned. I love the thrill of writing, it is a real high for me when I write. Then I get so far along and I will doubt that it is really any good. Then there is the lack of knowing what to do with it when it is done. Knowing if it is done is another key problem.

I can never answer the question who are you writing for, teens, women, Christians, I don't know I just write. What do you want to do with it? Serve God, is the only answer I have. Is it a book, a magazine article, I don't know. It is what it is.

I don't really write by choice I write from this deep desire to take what is there and put it on paper. It is never hey that is an idea let me write about it. It all stems from this feeling deep inside that says write. Then I sit and I write.

Then I am lost and confused. So the bitter sweet begins sometime soon I shall be lost in the world of writing. Don't ask me what about, I don't know yet, don't ask me who it is for, I don't know yet, Don't ask what I am going to do with it, because that will depress me. What I want is to serve what I will do is probably nothing.

I need to win the lotto

I need to win the lotto in order to afford to be a youth volunteer! Here is the problem all the teens seem to have talent and like to show it off. The cost of school plays is bad enough. Typically 7-8 bucks a ticket, add gas to that often times picking up a few teens on the way. It's worth it when I see the smile when they see me and some of their friends after the show. It is always a good time. Now one of them has joined a theater group the last show was 15.00 a ticket. Yikes! and that was a cheap show the shows are typically around 25-30. He really wants me to go to this one, he has lines and everything. I will figure it out I almost always do, but goodness it is expensive to do this work.

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