Stepping Out From the Shattered Place

The Lord has had me on an incredible journey. I finally feel like I am stepping out from the shattered place into Gods healing hands.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Ok so it has been awhile since I updated this blog. I knew I had been neglecting it but until Mel said something about my not posting since Feb I had not realized it was so long. So if anyone still reads this here is the big update.

Update one I QUIT MY JOB!!!!

The main reason I have not updated is I was so stinking tired that I didn't feel like writing. I thought of things to write about, I even jotted a few of them down on scraps of paper that I have since lost. But to sit here and think and type required more energy than I had. I put what I had into serving with the teens that God has entrusted to me. Not being in the same church as them made that hard so I planed special time with some of them for bible studies and such. I am really glad I did that time has been a huge blessing to me.

Not being in my job this past week I have begun to realize the toll it was taking on me. I thought about it and I don't think I have gone a week without being sick in four months. This week I feel good. Getting over a cold but it is the last bit of it and I really do feel ok. Lets pray it stays that way!

The Walk for wheels benefit was last weekend and it was a smash hit. We raised enough for the van and that is amazing. Some of my teens came out to help even made fools of themselves in the name of service. One of my girls dressed in a duck costume and danced around with all the little kids.
Ethan was able to come out and join us for awhile and that was great. He loved watching the people walking around and the rather large duck and cow! Here he is with his family all around him.

My family has grown by one. We have added a 5 year old to our mix. My cousin Tom and his wife Barb are foster parents of a sweet little girl. The hope is they will be able to adopt her in a few months time. She will be the third child adopted into our family my brother was first I was second, so my family is comfortable with just adding one more to our numbers. There are some great pictures to come. They are on other people's cameras once I have them I will share them. :-) I spent a good part of yesterday skipping with two 5 year old girls. What a great day it was.

Between Banshee's ear surgery and the car taking a swim in that nasty storm last month I won't be taking any of the trips I had planned but it's ok because I picked up two very part time jobs that I am loving and I started them already. One of them is really great because they provided a laptop so I can work from home. you can't get a better commute then that!

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