Stepping Out From the Shattered Place

The Lord has had me on an incredible journey. I finally feel like I am stepping out from the shattered place into Gods healing hands.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Your Input Please

A couple of my friends have been encouraging me to put some of my writing together and try to get published as a devotional. I have decided to put some work in this direction. Educating myself as to what I would need to do, working on pieces that I have and PRAYING about it. I mean hey what do I have to lose, right? What's a little rejection, right?

Most everyone who comes here are people I consider close friends and I would like your input. Especially those of you who have been encouraging me to take this leap.

First I would appreciate your pray about this it is a rather scary concept for me.

Second, What if any of my writing do you think I should consider? There are several on this blog and many of you have read other writings that are not on this blog. Please feel free to suggest anything you have read even if it is not on here.

Third any constructive criticism that you may have to offer.

Please feel free to look back at my past writing and offer your thoughts.

Thank you my friends I truly appreciate your thoughts, comments, prayer, and encouragement.

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