Stepping Out From the Shattered Place

The Lord has had me on an incredible journey. I finally feel like I am stepping out from the shattered place into Gods healing hands.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

HT to Len

One Word Challenge

You can only use one word...
Not as easy as you may think.

1. Yourself: unsure
2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend: none
3. Your hair?: soft
4. Your mother?: complicated
5. Your Father?: fixer
6. Your Favorite Item: pc
7. Your dream last night: clouded
8. Your Favorite drink: water
9. Your Dream Car: functioning
10. The Room You Are In: bedroom
12. Your fear: loneliness
13. What you want to be in 10 years: educated
14. Who you hung out with last night?: Banshee
15. What You're Not?: organized
16. Muffins: none
17: One of Your Wish List Items: remote car starter
18: Time: 8:30pm
19. The Last Thing You Did: blog
20. What You Are Wearing: Tigger
21. Your Favorite Weather: snow
22. Your Favorite Book: Jane Eyre
23. The Last Thing You Ate: cheese
24. Your Life: spiraling
25. Your Mood: vulnerable
26. Your body: pain
27. Who are you thinking about right now? Mel Brooks
29. What are you doing at the moment?: movie
30. Your summer: gone
31. Best part of your life: God

I tag Diane H and Scott again.

From Mel

I intended to do this awhile ago but life and illness got in the way. I really picked the book that was closest to me read the previous post if you doubt it. ;-) Really there are 3 books near me. The bible a biography of Shakespeare and Jane Eyre. Jane is on top since I just finished it and wrote about it.

The rules are:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next four sentences on your blog, along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest!

That sounds blasphemous."

"I disliked Mr. Brocklehurst; and I was not alone in the feeling. He is a harsh man; at once pompous and meddling; he cut off our hair; and for economy's sake bought us bad needles and thread, with which we could hardly sew."

"That was very false economy," remarked Mrs. Fairfax, who now again caught the drift of the dialogue.

"And was that the head and front of his offending?" demanded Mr. Rochester.

"He starved us when he had the sole superintendence of the provision department, before the committee was appointed; and he bored us with long lectures once a week, and with evening readings from books of his own inditing, about sudden deaths and judgments, which made us afraid to go to bed."

Clearly Brocklehurst missed the lessons on God's grace and love. Ms Bronte based the school on a school she attended. Brocklehurst is based on her real life experience. Glad I do not live there and then.

I tag Diane H. and Scott

Jane Eyre again

I just finished reading Jane Eyre for the umteenth time. I think I have read it at least once a year since I was in the sixth grade. This is the third post on this blog that I can think of about this book. I read it often because the book always has a new lesson for me. Some little pearl of wisdom that I apply to my life. I loaned out my good copy so this time I read my puppy chewed copy. Banshee who will be ten years old tomorrow. 12/11 isn't some random number it is her birthday. When she was a puppy we used to joke that she loved to devour knowledge she just misunderstood how. She left her mark on a number of my classics. She picked the books that I read often. I think she smelled me on them and that is why she picked them. Books I had not read where safe. She loved to lay in bed with me on Saturday mornings while I read to her. The pages are yellow some are missing nearly all are dog eared many have baby teeth marks one of the corners of the cover are chewed away, it is a well loved book by me and my dog. :-) I could never part with it silly I know but reading this one is different then reading my new copy. I see the notes of the past and remember the lessons learned where I was in my spiritual life when I learned it. I remember the struggles the the comfort and joy I found within these pages.

This trip through the life of Jane Eyre I was more effected by my own journey then I was by Jane's. It wasn't until the final pages of the book that I found my pearl. At the bottom of page 461 Edward is thanking God. "I thank my Maker, that, in the midst of judgment, he has remembered mercy. I humbly entreat my Redeemer to give me strength to lead henceforth a purer life than I have done hitherto!"

That is the truth of God. Sometimes we refuse to learn what he wishes us to know and it takes extreme action to get our attention. For Edward it took loosing his sight a hand and Jane to give his life into God's hands. He sees his wrong in his past he turned from God in times of trouble. He turned away in anger. When he lost the one thing he held dear and was made humble by his loss of sight and the loss of his hand he finally understood he needed his father and needed to be reconciled to him. When he did this God began healing him. He brought back into his life the lost treasure of Jane. How true it is when we bring our life before God and lay it at his feet our paths are made clearer. What we need to make it through is given to us.

I thought back to the time in my life when I was angry with God and how God had to bring me that low to humble me before I could see how much I needed to be reconciled to him. In that very moment my heart reach out to reconcile with God he began his work of healing me. In that very moment I had a peace that I could not begin to explain with words. In that very moment God showed his presence in my life. In that very moment I understood the depth of God's love for me and the grace he extended me.

That was well more then a decade ago. I am reconciled with my Lord and savior. My life is his what he has done with it amazes me all the time. Everyday I struggle to leave my life in God's hands. You would think after all this time it would be easy. Alas it is not I am still a stubborn fool a work in progress. Good thing God has a lot of grace.

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