A step closer to keeping this blog private. :-) A while ago I had listed this blog on blogs4God today I finally was able to delete the link!
If you have a blog and want people to find it I recomend hitting the link above and listing your blog there. It works many folks have made there way to my blog from that site. The problem for me is I changed what I was writing here and no longer wished people to find the way.
It is easy to set your blog up on blogs4God and easy to remove if you have the time to sit and figure it out.
I also added a tag to the head of my blog telling search engines to keep on searching.
If you have a blog and want people to find it I recomend hitting the link above and listing your blog there. It works many folks have made there way to my blog from that site. The problem for me is I changed what I was writing here and no longer wished people to find the way.
It is easy to set your blog up on blogs4God and easy to remove if you have the time to sit and figure it out.
I also added a tag to the head of my blog telling search engines to keep on searching.